Thursday, 27 February 2014

More lines in Nature….

Lots of interesting lines in this image of succulents. And a lovely pastel colour scheme happening here too!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Colour gradations in Nature….

 This succulent is a beautiful example of a colour gradation in nature. The photo was taken with my phone while I was out for my morning walk. This garden is on a busy road, and the dust speckled over the leaves create a pattern that adds visual interest.

This is how the same plant would look underwater!  Another nice colour gradation…

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Gazania in orange - form and symmetry

This Gazania, spotted in a neighbourhood garden has a wonderful star shaped form, and, like many flowers radial symmetry.  Nice orange colour, too!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Still life with Blue Glass...

Blue and white coloured glassware on a tiled table top makes today's still life image. The glass is vintage, probably Japanese Kamei glassware.  The yellow tiles on the table top are complementary to the surrounding blues.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Floral symmetry...

A Magnolia flower - gorgeous combination of shapes, form and symmetry

Water lily - star shaped petal arrangement and radial symmetry.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Lily's lovely lines....

More interesting lines today in these photos of lilies in my garden. Firstly the striations on the lily petals add visual interest and draw the eye outwards. Also, the lines of the faded flower and stamens in the background duplicate the lines of the longest petal. 

Here, the main flower is placed centrally but there is a diagonal "line" or visual connection formed by the green stem from the top RHS to the lower LHS. The unopened lily, at almost 90 degrees to this diagonal creates another interesting line.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Friday, 7 February 2014

Still life with fading hydrangeas...

Still life with Hydrangeas I

Still life with Hydrangeas II

Flowers may fade, but they can also become more interesting with age....

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Lines and Form

This agave plant caught my eye with its attractive lines and form.

lots of lovely lines here too...

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Today's Still life - Lemons in a net

Here are today's still life images - netted lemons. Although the lemons have a pleasing form in themselves, the net adds another layer, both visually and conceptually.I like the duality implied here - the natural and the artificial, growth and constraint.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Pictures of a lily....

 "Bright Lily" - a digital artwork in warm hues

"Cool lily" - digital artwork (cool hues)

I have always found colour and combinations of colour intriguing. I enjoy using Adobe Photoshop as it gives me so many options with digital artwork. My original image of a lily, when recoloured has a quite different mood.

It is also interesting, to me, that there can be warmer or cooler hues of the so called  "cool" colours, blue and green.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Jewels from the Garden...


Clivea seed pods

Snail shell

Treasures can be found in any garden if you know where to look....

Saturday, 1 February 2014

For the Chinese New Year...

 Chinese Hand painted ironstone box

Begonias - digital image 

May the New Year bring you health, happiness and prosperity.  Happy Chinese New Year!